For many years turbines belonging to the companies of the Turbo International Group have been supplying various types of processing machines for optical glasses and components with cooling lubricants. Both in precision optics and in the production of eyeglass lenses, the devices and systems with the powerful centrifuges have proven themselves thousands of times over. Even the finest particles of silicate and plastic are reliably eliminated. The cooling lubricants can remain in the circulation for so long.
However, years ago, the production of eyeglass lenses had to take account of the changed conditions. Were the lenses for a long time mainly made of mineral glass, so various plastics took their place. Due to the new material and new manufacturing processes, it was necessary to separate not only the powdery solids but also longer chips. For this purpose, a component was developed about 15 years ago that separates, shreds and compresses the chips - either directly at the point of origin at the coolant outlet of the machine or integrated into central systems. The KP60 is in use worldwide for spectacle lens generators for recipe production.
In addition to devices that supply one or two generators, we offer complete systems for the centralized supply of entire RX labs. The cooling lubricant handling and the disposal of the resulting solids is thus usually moved to a separate room. The production environment remains clean and the space of the previous coolant systems can be occupied elsewhere.